Forum Score
Forum Score is a pioneering feature designed to quantify and showcase a delegate’s engagement within DAO governance discussions. By measuring contributions beyond traditional on-chain voting.
What is Forum Score?
Forum Score is designed to provide a quantifiable measure of a delegate’s activity and engagement in DAO governance discussions. It captures off-chain contributions, such as forum discussions and comments, ensuring that constructive participation is recognized. By aggregating diverse metrics, it offers a more comprehensive evaluation of delegate engagement and contributions.
Why Did We Build Forum Score?
Governance is more than just voting; it is shaped by discussions, proposals, and deliberations. However, off-chain interactions often go unnoticed. Forum Score surfaces this data, offering DAOs a more complete assessment of delegate participation beyond voting records. By recognizing diverse forms of engagement, it enhances transparency and provides a clearer picture of each delegate’s contribution on governance.
How is Forum Score Calculated?
Forum Score aggregates several key metrics from governance activities. The calculation involves three main components, with all data points first converted into percentile scores for fair comparison across users.
Note: We only include data from users who have visited the forum for at least 10 days to ensure a stable, representative sample of active participants.
A. Proposal Score
This score measures the contributions of a user in creating and discussing proposals for the DAO in the forum.
Metrics Included:
Proposal Initiations: The amount of proposals a user has created.
Proposal Discussions: The amount of posts a user has created under a proposal thread.
Proposal Likes Received: The average amount of likes a user received from their proposals and posts within a proposal thread.
Note: For this component, we only selected posts in the following proposal-related categories:
• #58 Technical Proposal: Protocol Upgrade
• #59 Technical Proposal: Reflection Period Proposal
• #46 Retro Funding Mission
• #69 Governance Fund Missions
• #82 Feedback
These category IDs were chosen because they best represent proposal activities within the forum.
Formula Component:
Proposal Score = (Prop_Initiated * 0.5) + (Prop_Discussed * 0.3) + (Prop_Like_Rec * 0.1)
B. Engagement Score
This score measures the contributions of a user to the overall forum.
Metrics Included:
User Topic Count: the amount of topics a user has created.
User Post Count: the amount of posts a user has created
User Likes Received: the amount of likes a user received from all their posts and topics.
Formula Component:
Engagement Score = (User_Topic_Int * 0.7) + (User_Post_Count * 0.4) + (User_Like_Rec * 0.2)
C. Activeness Score
This score measures how active a user is in keeping up with the forum.
Metrics Included:
User Days Visited: the number of days a user has visited the forum.
User Time Read: the amount of time a user has spent reading a topic or post.
Formula Component:
Activeness Score = (User Day Visited * 0.07) + (User Time Read * 0.06)
D. Normalization and Final Calculation
Normalization Factors:
Max Score
Sum of Weights × Max Score
Overall Formula:
Forum Score = ((Max_Score * 1) + (Proposal Score * 1) + (Overall Topic Score * 0.5) + (Activeness Score * 0.5)) / (Sum of Weights * Max_Score)
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