RetroPGF 3
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The Optimism Collective’s third round of Retroactive Public Goods Funding (Retro Funding) took place in the fall of 2023. RetroPGF 3 allocated 30m OP tokens to reward contributions that have supported the development and adoption of Optimism.
Details ongoing and upcoming RetroPGF projects, with a focus on RetroPGF 3 and future rounds.
Project Application: The period for submitting the project.
Voting: The date that badgeholders vote on the RetroPGF proposals.
Result: The date on which the results of the voting are announced.
Awarded Project: The number of projects that received the retro funding reward.
Total Award: The total amount of OP tokens allocated for a specific retro funding round.
Average OP Received: The average OP reward allocated to all awarded projects.
Offers a detailed view of the application process, from initial submission to the final decision. The visualization will show the application process for each category submission, tracking progress from submission to receiving a reward, while also showing participation rates, pass rates, and the total number passing each stage.
Awarded Tab: Projects that received funding rewards.
Eligible Tab: Projects that passed the eligibility criteria and are eligible for the reward.
Applicant: Projects that applied for the retro funding.
Provides specific information on each eligible project, enhancing transparency and understanding of project dynamics.
Project Name: The name of the project.
Category: The category of the project, including Collective Governance, Developer Ecosystem, OP Stack, and End User Experience.
In Ballot: The number of badgeholders who selected and voted for this project.
Received: The amount of funding that the project received.